more site updates + other thoughts
site updates
hello! you may have noticed that i have a little featured image for blog posts now, thanks to Bill Raymond for his example blog :3
i’ve also added a little comment section to the main page of my website + my blog posts, using ayano’s comment widget! check their stuff out here
other thoughts
i feel like rambling for a bit.
social media dilemma
kind of unsure if i wanna use either bluesky or cohost to put my thoughts somewhere.
cohost is a platform that’s kinda similar to tumblr, but the unique thing about it is that there’s no algorithm + you can use css in your posts
bluesky is more like twitter, and it has an algorithm. it does let you customize the homepage, so you can only put people you follow on the homepage
i do have accounts for both services + only used bluesky for a bit, but i might use cohost instead of bluesky, mainly because bluesky needs you to have an account to even view posts
worried about readability
is this text readable? kinda worried that my choice of writing style for this blog is somehow impeding the readability of this blog + the font i picked out.
i can look into adding a toggle for changing the font to a sans-serif font instead of completely monospace, though i’m not sure if you can do that with just css and js…